Can’t Lose Weight? Maybe Your Not Eating Enough
Can’t Lose Weight? Maybe Your Not Eating Enough. We are a few months into 2018 and lots of us are wanting to lose a few pounds. Me included! There is nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight; however, the approach taken may not produce the results we want if we...
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What are YOUR Food Memories
Growing up, there was always a home cooked meal on the stove available for anyone who stopped by for a Sunday visit after church. Whatever meal my mother cooked that day served as the welcoming committee. Food was also the nurse when we were sick. Homemade soup was...
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The Lost Art Of Cooking
Eating a whole food based diet is critical to good health; however, our busy lifestyles have forced us to rely more and more on fast food, pre-made and packaged meals. Reliance on these “convenience” foods has not only contributed to the rising obesity epidemic, it...
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The Holidays Are Here! Eat More Veggies and Eat Mindfully
The holiday season means spending time with family and friends and eating great food. For some, it’s a time to just throw caution to the wind, eat all the goodies then get back on track in the new year. For others, the holiday season can be stressful when it comes...
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When Is The Last Time You Had Water?
Thinking back over the weekend, I realized the guests we had drank no water. Requests were made for soda and juice but not water. Although juice and soda are fluids that help keep the body hydrated, water is best. According to Medical Daily, Doctors report that up...
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What’s In The Food You Eat?
Have you read the labels on your favorite go-to-foods? Go-to-foods are the snacks, treats or meals you like to eat. You know, things like ramen noodles, Oreo cookies, frozen stouffer’s macaroni and cheese or hot pockets. Pre-packaged, easy to prepare, convenience...
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Seniors & Good Nutrition
A year ago we moved my Mother in with us for her care and safety. Being with us covered the safety part. Thankfully, she is healthy and able to care for herself but we suspected she was not eating enough given her decreasing weight. We focused on making sure she had...
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Do You Hear Me? A Message From Your Body
Let me start by asking a few questions. How do you feel when you wake up? How do you feel after meals? What happens in your body when stressed? How do you feels after spending time with good friends and family? How do you feel after exercising? What dies hunger feel...
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Health & Wellness for the Fall Season
Fall is a wonderful time of year. Along with the beauty of the leaves changing, cooler temperatures and the bounty of fruits and vegetables now in season come shorter days and more time indoors. Just as the seasons change so should we to take full advantage of what...
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Are You Full Yet? How Do You Know?
How do you know when you’ve had enough to eat? Do your clothes get tighter? Do you feel stuffed? Or do you feel like you could eat a bit more but are satisfied so you stop? If you answered yes to questions 1 or 2 then you could benefit from eating with greater...
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